Commercial Emergency Lock & Locksmith in Trenton, MI - Trenton MI Locksmith Store


Trenton MI Locksmith Store is a household name among Trenton-area business for years, as we contribute to the security of our local businesses by providing both emergency access and the latest in security measures to keep local businesses secure. Local businesses and entrepreneurs look first to Trenton MI Locksmith Store for all their advanced security needs thanks to our focus on staying up to date with the latest in security technology.

With our mobile service centers keeping us on top of any locksmithing issues that might arise, our trained security specialists will, at your request, assess potential security issues for your facility, including your security level as well as security weaknesses, making recommendations that would help your business be more secure overall. Trenton MI Locksmith Store does and has done security analysis and system implementation for a variety of businesses:

Trenton MI Locksmith Store Trenton, MI 734-535-1969

  • Restaurants & Delis
  • Office Buildings
  • Critical Care Centers
  • Business Outlets
  • Schools and Universities
  • Hotels and Motels
  • Hospitals and Hospices
  • Apartment Complexes
  • Banking Institutions


Trenton MI Locksmith Store technicians go through a number of intensive retrainings, including annual security conferences, to stay in the know when it comes to the latest in security tech. For this reason, Trenton MI Locksmith Store is considered a local security resource among Trenton-area businesses, working with business owners to make sure that their businesses are safe from break-ins and other security threats.

Trenton MI Locksmith Store is a pioneer when it comes to exclusive keyway systems, which restrict access to all but the most exclusive members of a company's inner circle. These keys are virtually unreproducible, meaning that they cannot be copied: if one is lost or stolen, the lock itself can be rapidly replaced and a new set of keys produced.

Trenton MI Locksmith Store also designs master key systems: these are systems of keys which provide unlimited access for master keys and then limited, specific area-level keys for sub-level keys. Master key systems work well wherever there is high traffic to ensure that no one goes into the wrong area. Master key systems can be installed in large areas such as hotels or office complexes overnight for minimum downtime.

Trenton MI Locksmith Store locksmiths, staying on top of the latest in security technology, are also specialists in next-generation security such as electronic access key control system. This allows for the removal of physical keys altogether, allowing for assignment of roles to specific electronic user cards. With an electronic access system, roles are assigned remotely. The card can also be deactivated if needed, thus representing ultimate control over the key's functionality.

Often, businesses are looking for solutions which can integrated with the Trenton police department, and the most common such system is the motion detection system. Used in conjunction with electronic key access and CCTV, Trenton MI Locksmith Store's security experts can even help your business implement a powerful security solution, giving your business the highest level of security. Trenton MI Locksmith Store is there, whether you need to replace a key-- or just in case your business needs something a little stronger.